王忠全,孙春晓,张 莹,魏振华,吕振波,乔洪金, 宋向军
(山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室,山东 烟台 264006 )
摘要:通过对象拔蚌(Panopea generosa)不同养殖模式下多种环境因子的分析,筛选出象拔蚌适宜养殖模式,并分析了影响象拔蚌生长的关键环境因子。比较了养殖笼和养殖箱两种养殖模式的养殖效果,前者可立体利用养殖水体,节省空间和养殖设施,降低生产成本,有利于大规模养殖;后者更好地模拟了象拔蚌埋栖特性,饵料充足情况下生长速度要比前者快,并且能更好地躲避敌害。分析了象拔蚌生长过程中的多项环境因子,在满足象拔蚌生长所需的水温条件下,养殖箱与养殖笼中的象拔蚌体重与浮游植物特别是中肋骨条藻的生物量呈正相关(P<0.05),养殖箱中象拔蚌体重以及养殖笼中象拔蚌壳长、体重均与亚硝酸盐氮呈明显的负相关(P<0.05)。研究表明,象拔蚌的生长受养殖模式、环境中的亚硝酸盐水平以及浮游植物丰富程度的影响。
The effects of culture mode and environmental factors on the growth of Panopea generosa
WANG Zhongquan, SUN Chunxiao,Ying Zhang, WEI Zhenhua, LV Zhenbo, QIAO Hongjin
(Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Restoration, Shandong Marine Resource and Environment Research Institute, Yantai 264006, China)
Abstract: Through the analysis of various environmental factors under different culture modes, the suitable culture mode and the key environmental factors affecting the growth of Panopea generosa were selected. Firstly, the effects of two culture modes, cage culture and lantern nets culture, on the growth were compared. Cage culture through hanging Panopea generosa could fully utilize the water body, greatly save space and culture facilities, and reduce production costs, which are conducive to intensive farming. While lantern nets culture could better simulate buried habitat characteristics of Panopea generosa, grow more rapidly than cage culture under the conditiond of aboundant food sources, and easily escape from predators. Secondly, the environment factors during growth process were analyzed. When meeting the requirement of water temperature for growth, body weight in lantern nets and cage was obviously positively interrelated to the biomass of phytoplankton, particularly the biomass of Skeletonema costatum (P<0.05); body weight in lantern nets and both the shell length and body weight in cage was obviously negatively interrelated to the concentration of nitrite-N (P<0.05). In short, growth of Panopea generosa was affected by the culture modes, nitrite levels in environment environment and the abundance of phytoplankton.
Key words: Panopea generosa; culture mode; environmental factors; phytoplankton.