刘春胜1, 陈四清1, 王有廷2, 燕敬平1, 刘长琳1, 李凤辉1
(1农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
2 烟台海益苗业有限公司,山东 烟台 265619)
摘要:采用常规测量方法,以30尾全长35~50 cm,体质量400~600 g的养殖裸盖鱼(Anoplopoma fimbria)为实验材料,对其外部形态、可数可量性状及消化道结构进行观察和测量,初步研究了裸盖鱼的种质特征。裸盖鱼呈梭型,背面为青灰色,腹面为白色,全身覆鳞;第一背鳍16~18,第二背鳍12~14,腹鳍6~7,胸鳍14~16,臀鳍15~16,侧线鳞144~170,上鳃耙5~6,下鳃耙14~16,脊椎骨57~61,幽门盲囊4~6;全长/体长1.15±0.02,体长/体高5.27±0.08,体长/头长3.06±0.08,头长/吻长3.21±0.05,尾柄长/尾柄高3.19±0.17,体长/尾柄长5.46±0.20,头长/眼间距3.26±0.28,头长/眼径为6.73±0.31,肠长/体长为1.18±0.17,肠重/体重0.048±0.004,内脏重/体重0.103±0.014。1~2龄裸盖鱼种质特征研究结果可为裸盖鱼的育种提供基础数据。
Measurement of morphometric characters in 1-2-year-old sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria
LIU Chunsheng 1, CHEN Siqing 1, WANG Youting 2, YAN Jingping 1, LIU Changlin 1, Li Fenghui 1
(1 Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resource,Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Yantai Haiyi Sseeds Co., Ltd, Yantai 265619, China)
Abstract: In this research, the external morphology, meristic and metric characters, and structure of digestive tract of 30 ind sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria (1 to 2 years old) with body length ranging from 35 to 50 cm and body weight ranging from 400 to 600 g were measured and studied using the common messuring method in order to understand the germplasm. The results were as follows: The fish is spindle-shaped, and covered with mackerel scale, and its body shows with grey back and white abodmon. Observed numbers of sablefish are: first dorsal fins: 16-18, second dorsal fins : 12-14, ventral fins: 6-7, pectoral fins: 14-16, anal fins: 15-16, lateral line scales: 144-170, upward gill rakers: 5-6, downward gill rakers : 14-16, vertebrae: 57-61, pyloric caeca: 4-6; measurable parameters ratio of sablefish are: Tl/Sl: 1.15±0.02, Sl/H: 5.27±0.08, Sl/Lc: 3.06±0.08, Lc/Lmx: 3.21±0.05, Lpc/Hpc: 3.19±0.17, Sl/Lpc: 5.46±0.20, Lc/Io: 3.26±0.28, Lc/Oh: 6.73±0.31, Li/Sl: 1.18±0.17, Wi /Wb: 0.048±0.004, Wio/Wb: 0.103±0.014. In this research, the germplasm of A. fimbria aged 1-2 years was studied, which could be provided basic information in A. fimbria breeding.
Key words: Anoplopoma fimbria; morphometric characters; meristic and metric characters; structure of digestive tract; germplasm