秦搏1,2 ,陈四清1 ,曹栋正1,2,刘长琳1 ,燕敬平1 ,胡建成1 ,王志军3
(1中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛,266071;
3山东科合海洋高技术有限公司,山东 威海,264513)
摘要:在水温15~25 ℃下,将平均体质量分别为792.27±48.89 g(大)、513.49±39.19 g(中)和185.59±25.51 g(小)的圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus),按5.5 kg/m2和7.5 kg/m2的密度,饲养在5 m×5 m×3 m网箱中,投喂冰冻玉筋鱼60 d,以研究不同规格和密度的圆斑星鲽在网箱中的生长、饲料系数和体色变化情况。整个饲养期间,圆斑星鲽日增重变化在1.77 ~4.24 g/d,其中大规格鱼的日增重最高(3.49 g/d),当水温为15~20℃时,日增重可达4.24 g/d;饲料系数平均为4.87,其中大规格鱼的最低(4.16),当水温为15~20℃时,饲料系数为3.55;密度对圆斑星鲽网箱养殖的生长情况和饲料系数无显著影响;15~20℃时圆斑星鲽生长快于20~25℃;网箱养殖圆斑星鲽体色逐渐接近野生鱼体色,无眼侧异常黑化的体色逐渐褪黑变白。研究认为,圆斑星鲽是一种适合网箱养殖的新品种。
The study on spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus) reared in cages
QIN Bo 1,2 , CHEN Siqing 1, CAO Dongzheng 1,2 , LIU Changlin 1, YAN Jingping 1 ,
HU Jiancheng 1 , WANG Zhijun 3
(1Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071; 2. College of Fishery and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306; 3. Shandong Kehe Marine High-technology Co. Ltd., Weihai 264513)
Abstract: In order to evaluate the growth performance, food conversion ratio and the changes in body color, spotted halibut (Verasper Variegatus) with body weight of 792.27±48.89 (large size), 513.49±39.19 (mid-size) and 185.59±25.51g (small size) and stocking densities of 5.5kg/m2 and 7.5kg/m2 were respectively reared into 18 net cages at water temperature from 15℃ to 25℃for 60 days. The cage size was uniformly 5 m5 m3 m, and the fish were fed with frozen trash fish. The results showed that the daily body weight gain ranged from 1.77 g/d to 4.24 g/d during the rearing period, in which the maximum was that of the large size group (3.49 g/d) and it reached to 4.24 g/d at temperature of 15℃-20 ℃. The average food conversion ratio was 4.87, in which the minimum was that of large size group (4.16), and at water temperature of 15℃-20 ℃, it was 3.55 . There was no significant effect of the stocking density on the growth and food conversion ratio for the spotted halibut reared in cages.There were better growth performance and lower food conversion ratio at water temperature of 15℃-20 ℃ compared with that at water temperature of 20℃-25 ℃. The body color of the spotted halibut reared in the cages was gradually turned to that of wild spotted halibut, and the color of blind side faded from black to white gradually. It considered that Verasper Variegatus is a potential and suitable species for the cage aquaculture.
Key words: Verasper Variegatus; size; density; cage aquaculture; growth; body color