金 武1 ,3,罗荣彪2,顾若波1,徐 跑1
(1农业部淡水渔业与种质资源利用重点实验室 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心,江苏 无锡 214081;
2 中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇二研究所,江苏 无锡 214082;
3 南京农业大学渔业学院,江苏 无锡 214182)
摘要: 本文从推水单元、水流速度、养殖单元结构、鱼粪收集单元结构等方面对国内外相关文献进行整理分析,系统总结了池塘工程化养殖系统的各个功能单元的优缺点,但对养殖水槽中的流场分布、流速、养殖单元槽体结构、粪便收集单元结构的研究仍较少。因此建议:参考水流动力学研究方法,筛选出推水单元最佳拦板角度,尽可能节约推水动力;建立针对国内养殖品种的管理模式、净化区结构形式;研发高效收集鱼粪和残饵的设备或施工结构。
关键词: 池塘工程化;跑道式养鱼;流体力学;溶解氧
A review about pond engineering aquacultural systems
JIN Wu 1, 3, LUO Rongbiao 2, GU Ruobo 1, XU Pao 1
(1 Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fisheries and Germplasm Resources Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Jiangsu Wuxi 214081, China;
2 Silt-clearing Office, The 702th institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Jiangsu Wuxi 214082, China;
3 Wuxi Fisheries College, Nanjing Agriculture University, Jiangsu Wuxi 214182, China)
Abstract: This paper reviewed some related literatures about water movement unit, water speed, structure of aquaculture unit, fish waste collector unit, etc. The study of flow field, water speed, structure of aquaculture unit, and fish waste collector unit was still limited. In the further study on pond engineering,this article suggested that (1) take the methods in flow dynamics as example, the best angle of flapper in the water movement unit should be optimized; (2) the management style for the native varieties should be built; (3) the efficiency fish waste collector should be developed.
Key words: pond engineering; raceway aquacultural system; hydromechanics; dissolved oxygen