王筱珍1,2,刘 璨2,吴洪亮3
(1 广东交通职业技术学院,广东广州510800;
2 广东海洋大学工程学院,广东湛江524088;
3 深圳市标准技术研究院,广东深圳518033)
摘要:为提高深水网箱安全性,研究锚泊系统系缆受力情况,提出了一种基于Zigbee和GPRS技术的深水网箱系缆力远程监测系统。该系统由传感器节点对缆绳的受力信息进行实时采集,然后将各传感器节点采集到的信息汇聚到Zigbee协调器节点,再通过GPRS网络发送到陆地监控中心,最后通过基于Visual Studio 2010平台搭建的监控中心,实现数据的实时显示、分析及存储调用。模拟测试表明,该系统测量相对误差≤1.5333%,扩展方便,能够实时、准确地监控网箱缆绳受力。该系统为网箱结构设计以及评估网箱的安全性和可靠性提供了一种监测手段。
Design of remote mooring-force monitoring system for the deep-sea cagebased on Zigbee and GPRS
WANG Xiaozhen1,2,LIU Can2,WU Hongliang3
(1 Guangdong Communication Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510800, China;
2 Engineering college,Guangdong Ocean University ,Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088,China;
3 Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China)
Abstract:A kind of Zigbee and GPRS technology-based remote monitoring system of stress on deep-sea cage mooring line was proposed to improve the safety coefficient of deep-sea cage and study the stress situation of mooring line in mooring system. This system collected stress information of the mooring rope with the sensor node, and then the information was assembled to the Zigbee coordinator nodes from each sensor node, transmitted to land monitoring center via GPRS network. Finally real-time display, analysis and storage/recall of the data were realized through a Visual Studio 2010-based monitoring center. The simulation test indicated that the relative error of the system was not more than 1.5333% and the system can be expanded easily and monitors the real-time stress of the cage mooring line correctly. The system provides safety and reliability of offshore cage structure design and cage assessment with valuable primary data, therefore it gets wide application prospect.
Keywords:deep-sea cage; mooring force; remote mornitor Zigbee; GPRS