任玉清,姚 杰,许志远,王庸凯,张 亚,张光发,栾 剑
(大连海洋大学渔船安全研究中心,辽宁 大连,116023)
摘要:为全面了解和把握中国渔船目前的安全状况,开展了全国渔船安全状况评价试点工作,研究制定了渔船安全评价体系;在此基础上于2011年6—9月对《国际渔船安全公约》要求的24 m及以上钢质海洋渔船进行了随机抽样评价。通过对抽样采集的5 768艘海洋渔船技术参数分析评价,结果发现:超过90%的渔船达不到公约要求,渔船总体安全状况随船龄增大明显恶化,船舶设备安全隐患多,中国海洋渔船安全状况与《国际渔船安全公约》要求有很大差距,渔船装备整体水平亟待提升。
Assessment on the safety conditions in steel marine fishing vessels of China
REN Yu-qing, YAO Jie, XU Zhi-yuan, WANG Yong-kai, ZHANG Ya, ZHANG Guang-fa, LUAN Jian
( Research Center of Fishing Vessel Safety, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian Liaoning 116023, China )
Abstract: For fully understanding about the present safety conditions of Chinese fishing vessels, the national fishing vessels safety assessment work was carried out, which was entrusted by the register of fishing vessel of the People's Republic of China. The evaluation systems of safety condition in fishing vessels was established, and the 24 meters and above steel marine fishing vessels were sampled in June to September 2011, which are paid particular attention by international community and required by the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels. Sampling of 5 768 marine fishing vessel’s technical parameters was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that more than 90% of the fishing vessels cannot reach the Convention’s requirements. With the increase of vessel’s age, safety conditions of fishing vessels were significantly worse. The safety situations of Chinese fishing vessels have a very large gap comparing with the International Convention.
Key words: marine fishing vessels; fishing vessels safety; Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels; sampling evaluation
作者简介:任玉清(1971—),男,副教授,硕士,主要研究方向为渔船安全系统工程。E-mail: renyuqing@dlou.edu.cn