朱雪生1,3,王丽卿2,徐后涛2,邱雪妹3,李 平3,季高华2,谢 平4
(1 上海青浦区水务局,上海 201700;2 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306;
3 上海市青浦水利管理署,上海 201700;4 上海水生环境工程有限公司,上海 200090)
摘要:构建表面流和水平潜流人工湿地系统处理水产养殖池塘排放的废水,以减少对周围水域环境的污染。结果表明,经湿地净化处理后,养殖废水中总氮、总磷、CODMn、氨氮分别从2.32、0.50、14.88、0.61 mg/L降至0.98、0.18、9.72、0.30 mg/L,叶绿素a从369.6 μg/L降至61.78 μg/L,水质明显得到净化。湿地植物存活时组织氮、磷含量明显高于死亡时,湿地植物死亡时梭鱼草、黄菖蒲、小香蒲的组织氮含量仅为存活时的18.8%、26.8%和38.1%。沙田湖人工湿地植物死亡时收割可去除氮、磷含量分别为11.68 g/m2和4.81 g/m2,再力花去除氮、磷能力最强。在湿地植物死亡前收割能够提高湿地植物吸收所贡献的净化率。
Effect on constructed wetland for pond aquaculture wastewater treatment
at Shatianhu in Qingpu, Shanghai
ZHU Xue-sheng1, 3, Wang Li-qing2, XU Hou-tao2, QIU Xue-mei3, LI ping3, JI Gao-hua2, XIE Ping4
( 1 Qingpu Water Affairs Bureau, Shanghai 201700, China; 2 College of Aqua-life Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 3 Qingpu Water Resources Management Department, Shanghai 201700, China;
4 hanghai Aqua-life Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd , Shanghai 200090, China )
Abstract: For reducing the pollution effect on the surround waters, surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands were utilized to effectively treat the pond aquaculture wastewater of Shatianhu in Qingpu, Shanghai. With wetland purification treatment, the concentrations of TN, TP, CODMn, and NH4-N of aquaculture wastewater were dropped from 2.32, 0.5, 14 .88, 0.61 mg/L, to 0.98, 0.18, 9.72, 0.30 mg/L respectively, chlorophyll a from 369.6 μg/L to 61.78 μg/L. The water quality of the aquaculture wastewater was efficiently purified. It was found that the contents of nitrogen and phosphorous in alive wetland plants were obviously higher than those in the dead. Nitrogen concentration measured in dead Pontederia cordata, Iris pseudacorus, Typha minima were respectively 18.8%, 26.8% and 38.1% of that measured in alive. Harvesting the wetland plants in dead can remove nitrogen and phosphorus 11.68g/m2 and 4.81g/m2 respectively. Thalia dealbata has the highest nitrogen and phosphorous removal capacity. Harvesting wetlands plants prior to their death can improve the purification effect of plants absorption purification in the entire wetlands system.
Key words: constructed wetlands treatment; pond aquaculture wastewater; wetlands plant
作者简介:朱雪生(1971—),男,研究方向:生态水利工程建设与管理。E-mail: gzwzxs@163.com
通讯作者:王丽卿(1970—),女,教授,博士,研究方向:水域环境生态。E-mail: lqwang@shou.edu.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),8-12)