毛国民1,楼 宝1,骆季安1,史会来1 ,辛 俭1,郑代明1,史海东2
(1 浙江省海洋水产研究所,舟山 316100;2 浙江普陀区海洋与渔业局,舟山 316100)
摘要:试验研究了舟山牙鲆人工培育及促熟催产中的技术措施。采用自然海区捕获的牙鲆亲鱼,逐年筛选、精心培育,共获得健康的2 ~ 4 龄成熟亲鱼300尾(雄鱼200尾、雌鱼100尾),体重1 000~5 000 g。在自然产卵和外源激素HCG(1 500 IU/kg)及LHRH-A3(5 μg/kg)的作用下(雄鱼减半),共采卵536.2×104 粒,上浮率51.3%,受精率69.5%,孵化率84.2%。与自然产卵相比,激素催产产卵数量多,受精率和孵化率相对偏低;而自然产卵受精率和孵化率高,但产卵不够集中且数量相对较少。
Study on broodstock cultivation and artificial propagation technique of ZhouShan Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
MAO Guo-min, LOU Bao, LUO Ji-an, SHI Hui-lai, XIN Jian, ZHENG Dai-ming, SHI Hai-dong
( 1. ZheJiang Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Zhoushan 316100, China; 2 .Pu Tuo Oceanic and Fishery Administration, Zhoushan 316100, China )
Abstract: In this paper, broodstock cultivation and artificial propagation technique of paralichthys olivaceus were studied. Three hundred 2~4 years matured broodstock ( female 200, male 100 ) were obtained from natural sea area by effective selecting gradually, which the body weight were varied between 1 000g and 5 000g. By the method of spawning naturally and injecting the hormone HCG ( 1500 IU/kg ) and LHRH-A3 (5μg/kg ) in female broodstock, but HCG and LHRH-A3 halved in male broodstock, 536.2×104 eggs were gained. The float-rate, fertilization-rate, and hatch-rate were 51.3%, 69.5%, and 84.2% respectively. Compared with natural spawning, there were more eggs by injecting the hormone, while the fertilization-rate and hatch-rate were lower. Though the fertilization-rate and hatch-rate were high, natural spawning had fewer eggs and finished time after time.
Key words: Zhoushan paralichthys olivaceus; broodstock cultivation; propagation; artificial reproduction
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(1),36-38)