李玉全1,张海艳1,李 健2,李振东1,姜令绪1,王仁杰1,王清印2*
(1 青岛农业大学 青岛 266109;
2 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071)
摘要:试验旨在分析新型纳米纯氧气泡增氧养殖大菱鲆的效果。试验采用纳米纯氧气泡增氧和机械增氧2种方式,设置机械增氧组(溶解氧6~9 mg/L)、纳米纯氧增氧Ⅰ组(溶解氧6~9 mg/L)和纳米纯氧增氧Ⅱ组(溶解氧15~20 mg/L)3个试验组。结果表明,纳米纯氧Ⅰ组大菱鲆的体重增长、成活率、肥满度及饵料转化率高于机械增氧组;纳米纯氧Ⅱ组各指标低于机械增氧组。7个月的大规模生产试验(800 m2水面,溶解氧6~9 mg/L)表明,采用纳米纯氧气泡增氧养殖大菱鲆,各测定指标均显著高于机械增氧,可以加快大菱鲆生长,提高成活率和饵料转化率。
The preliminary research of the technique and effect of nano-metre pure oxygen aeration in turbot farming
LI Yu-quan1, ZHANG Hai-yan1, LI Jian2, LI Zhen-dong1, JIANG Ling-xu1, WANG Ren-jie1, WANG Qing-yin2*
( 1 Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109; 2 Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization for Marine Fisheries Resource, Ministry of Agriculture, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071 )
Abstract: Effect of nano-metre pure oxygen in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) farming was determined in this study. The facilities of air aeration and nano-metre pure oxygen (diameter of oxygen bubble was from 10 µm to 100 µm) were used. Three treatments, including air aeration (6~9 mg/L), pure oxygen I (6~9 mg/L) and pure oxygen II (15~20 mg/L), were designed. Growth rate, survival rate and feed translation rate (FCE) were measured. The results indicated that, when dissolved oxygen concentration varied from 6 mg/L to 9 mg/L, turbots in nano-metre pure oxygen system were higher on growth, survival rate and feed conversion efficiency (FCR) than those of air system; A farming trial was conducted to determine growth difference of turbot between pure oxygen and air system. Length growth, weight growth, survival rate and FCE were better in nano-metre pure oxygen system than air system. The results suggested that nano-metre pure oxygen was better than aeration in turbot farming system when dissolved oxygen concentration was from 6~9 mg/L.
Key words: nano-metre oxygen, aeration, dissolved oxygen, turbot, growth, survival rate, FCE
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(1),42-44)