(1 江西生物科技职业学院,南昌 330200;2 南昌莲塘鱼病防治所,南昌 330200)
摘要: 由于草鱼病毒性出血病发病率高,且尚未找到有效防治的药物,至今一直成为草鱼养殖发展中“瓶颈”问题的根本原因。因此,采取免疫学途径防治草鱼出血病是解决此问题的关键之所在。本文综述了关于草鱼出血病疫苗、干扰素及免疫增强剂进行草鱼出血病防治的研究现状;提出口服型免疫增强剂是生产上防治草鱼出血病最为有效的途径之一。
The Study Situation of the Immunology
of Grass carp’s Toxic Bleeding Disease
MA Gui-hua1 ,CHEN Dao-yin2, LIU Liu-ying 1, Liu Zheng-you 2, Li Zhi-qiang 1
( 1 Jiangxi Biological Science and Technological Vocational College, Nanchang 330200, China;
2 Fish Diseases Control Institute of Liantang Town in Nanchang County, Nanchang 330200, China )
Abstract: Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) has been one of the major freshwater breeds at present. Due to the high occurring rate of Grass carp’s Toxic Bleeding Disease and not having found out an effective medicine to prevent and cure it yet, which is the essential reason why it has always been the problem of “Neck of Bottle” in the course of the development of Grass Carp’s Breeding. So it is key to solve this problem that take the method of immunology. The thesis summarized the current study situation of prevention and cure of Grass carp’s Bleeding Disease by using Grass carp’s Bleeding Disease vaccine,interferon and strengthen injection of immunity. And it is emphasized in this thesis that the eatable strengthen injection of immunity is the most effective way to prevent and cure Grass carp’s Bleeding Disease.
Key words: Grass Carp’s Bleeding Disease;Vaccine;Interferon;Strengthen Injection of Immunity;Immunity prospect
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(1),45-49)