任玉清,姚 杰,张飞成,王庸凯
(大连海洋大学航海与船舶工程学院,中华人民共和国渔业船舶检验局渔船安全研究中心,辽宁 大连,116023)
摘要:我国海洋渔船因为装备简陋、作业环境恶劣,导致各类海损事故频频发生,作为渔民自救和逃生工具的救生筏、救生圈、救生衣等救生设备的安全状况显得尤为重要。然而,事实上我国大部分渔船的救生设备多年来一直存在诸多安全隐患,没有得到有效的改善。因此,探索一种能够有效掌握渔船救生设备技术状况的实用方法就显得非常必要。依据我国有关规定,提出了渔船救生设备的安全检查表评价方法,并且运用该方法对抽样采集到的500艘24 m及以上钢质海洋渔船的救生设备安全状况进行了评价。结果表明,该评价方法简单、可行,评价结果与渔船检验机关掌握的实际情况比较一致。该方法能够起到辨识渔船救生设备安全隐患、强化安全检查的作用,可以有效地避免检查条目的遗漏和疏忽,同时还提供了渔船救生设备安全状况的改善依据。
Application of safety check list method in the fishing vessel’s life-saving equipment evaluation
REN Yuqing,YAO Jie,ZHANG Feicheng,WANG Yongkai
(1 School of navigation and Naval Architecture, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, China, 116023;
2 Research Center of Fishing Vessel Safety, Register of Fishing Vessel of PRC, Dalian, China, 116023)
Abstract:All kinds of fishing accident occurred frequently in China because of bad poorly equipment and severe sea condition. So it is particularly important that life-saving equipments, as fishermen’s self rescue and escape tool, such as life raft, life buoy, lifejackets and so on, must have fine safety situation. In fact, however, most of the fishing vessel’s life-saving equipment exit a lot of potential safety hazards for many years, and have not been effectively improved. It is very necessary to explore a kind of effective practical method of control the fishing vessel life-saving equipments’ technical conditions. According to the relevant provisions of our country, the safety check list method is put forward to assessment the fishing vessel’s life-saving equipment. The life-saving equipments of 500 sample marine steel fishing vessel, which are 24 meters in length and above, are evaluated using the method. Results show that this evaluation method is simple, feasible, and the evaluation results are compared with the actual situation of fishing vessel inspection agencies to master. The method can identify the safety hidden troubles of fishing vessel’s life-saving equipment and strengthen the security check, it can avoid the omission of check items and negligence, also provides the basis of the fishing vessel’s life-saving equipment safety improvements.
Key words:fishing vessel; safety evaluation; safety check list; lifesaving equipment; hidden hazard