吴忠友,陈 欣
(威海中复西港船艇有限公司,山东 威海 264209)
摘 要:介绍了我国大陆及台湾玻璃钢渔船的发展历程及台湾玻璃钢渔船迅速发展所采取的措施,概要介绍我国玻璃钢渔船相关技术法规建设及真空树脂导入成型工艺技术的应用情况及存在的问题,探讨了今后的研究方向。
Develoment and construction technology progress on FRP fishing boat in China
WU Zhong-you, CHEN Xin
( Weihai Zhongfu Xigang Ship Co., Ltd., Weihai Shandong 264209, China )
Abstract: The article gives a detailed description on FRP fishing boat in mainland and Taiwan province in China.And states that it is worth to learn from the action taken in FRP fishing boat development in Taiwan. Law and regulation construction on FRP fishing boat technology and application of vacuum infusion molding process were also included in this article, while at the same time discuss the research direction in the future.
Key words: FRP fishing boat; development process; construction technology progress
作者简介:吴忠友(1964— )男、高级工程师,主要从事玻璃钢船艇设计与制造。E-mail: wuzhy@ccgc.com.cn